Self-Esteem v Self-Confidence

 In Hypnotherapy Blog

Self-esteem and self-confidence are NOT the same thing and it’s important to make a distinction.

Self-esteem is how we perceive ourselves; what we think about ourselves and how much we value ourselves and the overall image we have of ourselves.

Our self-esteem is made up of thoughts and opinions, often formed in our early years, about who we are, our expectations of ourselves and what we feel we are capable or incapable of achieving.   Our self-esteem develops from all the people, experiences and situations that have shaped how we view and value ourselves today.

If we have low self-esteem, some of that may have come from our childhood experiences, where perhaps we’ve been in some situations at home or in school or in social interactions generally, which have led us to think of ourselves as not being clever enough, or not having achieved enough, or not being lovable enough, or not being good enough in a multitude of different ways.

Self-confidence one the other hand, is very different from self-esteem because it’s related to how capable we believe ourselves to be at doing different things or handling different situations.

For example, a person may feel very confident about meeting new people on a one-to-one basis, but have very low self-confidence in their abilities to give a presentation or a talk in front of others. In one situation we may feel totally relaxed and confident and in the other a quivering wreck.

Low self-esteem and low self-belief can have a huge negative impact on our happiness, our ambitions and the quality of our day-to-day experiences.

It can make it difficult for us to recognise our own talents, qualities, abilities and achievements.  It traps us. It holds us back.  It prevents us from achieving what we are capable of achieving. It reduces our capacity for enjoyment and our lives are less fulfilling because of it.

Hypnotherapy can be very effective in greatly improving self-esteem as it uses relaxation and other techniques to help achieve a positive mental state of highly focused attention and increased suggestibility.

Accessing this powerful resource, that we all have within us, helps to create new neural pathways in the brain, boosting positive self-esteem and ‘blocking’ the self-limiting beliefs that are holding us back.

Hypnotherapy can help you achieve lasting positive self-esteem that you deserve. 

Don’t hold yourself back.  You have the power to change. Use it.


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