Fees & How to Pay
Apologies, I am not currently able to accept any new clients.
Free Initial Consultation
I offer a free initial consultation online or by telephone. This is so that I can get an understanding of why you are considering hypnotherapy or Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) and what it is that you want to achieve.
(Due to the current Covid 19 pandemic I cannot currently do this in person).
The free initial consultation will also enable you to gain a greater understanding of what hypnotherapy or BWRT involves. It will also give you an opportunity to decide whether or not you want to proceed, before we start working together.
There is absolutely no problem if you subsequently decide that you do not wish to proceed. I cannot emphasis enough how important it is that we both feel that we can work together.
If, after the free initial consultation, you decide that you would like to book therapy, the cost of a one hour on-line session is £60.
Smoking cessation takes place over two hours and the fee is £120 (or £110 if you commit to making a £10 donation to a cancer research charity – I won’t check up on you)
How to pay
If, after the initial free consultation, you wish to proceed with therapy payment is required in advance to confirm your therapy session booking.
Payment can be made by PayPal or by bank transfer. PayPal accepts all major debit/credit cards and you do not need a PayPal account. If you prefer you can pay by bank transfer,
I will send you all the necessary payment details.
What if I have to cancel?
There is no problem if you give at least two working days’ notice that you wish to cancel or re-schedule your appointment. However, please be aware that if less time than this is given you will be charged at the full rate.
Exceptions can be made for genuine emergencies or in the case of sudden illness.
A 10 per cent, per session, discount is available for those requiring therapy, but who genuinely cannot afford to meet the full cost.