Mindfulness Meditation

I studied for the Mindfulness Now Teacher Training programme at the UK College of Mindfulness Meditation, which is part of Central England College.

The course, which is approved by the British Psychological Society (BPS), offers an approach to therapy that synthesises Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

I am not currently working as a Mindfulness Teacher. However, where appropriate, Mindfulness techniques can very usefully be incorporated into a client’s hypnotherapy plan.

What is Mindfulness?

Very basically Mindfulness involves being intensely aware of and fully engaged with what you are sensing and feeling at the present moment and not thinking about past events or what the future might hold. It also involves acceptance, in that whilst focusing on your present thoughts and feelings you are not judging them.

Mindfulness practises may be formal or informal. Formal practise involves setting aside a dedicated time to for specific techniques such as bringing your focused awareness to your breathing and the pathways your breath follows and muscle relaxation techniques.

Informal Mindfulness practice can be done anywhere and in relation to any daily activity for example, eating, walking or just sitting.


  • Mindfulness Now Teaching Certificate (UK College of Mindfulness Meditation)
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